loss your reference

How not to “lose” your references

You worked hard. You saved your company money. Your project came in under budget. You wrote the playbook for your division. You developed the best practices which your company now uses. You mentored others. Now, how do you prove it?

Your references can back up your resume. It is important that your references expound upon your achievements while it is still fresh in their minds. You don’t want to spend hours searching online for your previous manager, only to find they are not on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. So what can you do?

Careerandtalenthub.com offers a unique solution. We can direct performance related questions to your previous employers, professors, volunteer coordinators and others. The questions are tailored to the type of reference, and your experience. You can add your own questions that highlight your unique experience, skills and abilities.

Responses from your references are then compiled into an easy to read Electronic Reference Check (ERC) report, which can be included with online job applications, or posted along with your resume. Your ERC will always be available in your online account.

Get the confirmation of your achievements you need. Don’t wait, and risk not being to find your reference that can back up your achievements, or having your reference not remember the details because too much time has passed.

Sign up today. And never lose a reference again.

Contact us for more information at: [email protected]
or call 877-238-1816