Our privacy is of the utmost importance. Users control the information in their account and determine what can be viewed by others and what information users will provide to potential to employers, internships, scholarships and other opportunities.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

careerandtalenthub.com processes do not require PII. We will never ask for your phone number, home address, date of birth or Social Security number. We only require a name and a valid email address that will serve as your username. Access to information contained within an account is granted only with the user email address and a secure password.

Access to Data

careerandtalenthub.com cannot view or otherwise access reference data you enter as you create your ERC report. Only the user has access to this information. Additionally, careerandtalenthub.com does not have access to the ERC report a user created with responses from references. We are unable to view, save or store any data contained in your report. The ERC report can only be accessed and viewed by a user when logged into their account and by those to whom the user has released the report.
Users may utilize a single sign on with a social media account. careerandtalenthub.com will not view, access or save data contained at a social media site.


We utilize “cookies” on this site only to enable functions and improve user access for repeat visitors. For the convenience of our users, we utilize a cookie to identify visitors and allow faster access to the site. Third party cookies are prohibited.


Payment for services can be accomplished with your PayPal account through a secure link to this company. If you do not have a PayPal account, PayPal will process the transaction with a major credit card. Information you enter during the checkout process is not available to careerandtalenthub.com. Once the payment process is completed, credit card and PayPal information is deleted. Payment information is not stored by careerandtalenthub.com. Users must to re-enter payment information each time payment is required.

Career Center access to careerandtalenthub.com services:

All credentials such as usernames/identifiers/account numbers and user passwords must be kept confidential and must not be disclosed to an unauthorized party. Create a unique email address for each user to enable individual authentication and accountability for access. Each user must also have a unique logon password. User IDs and passwords shall only be assigned to authorized individuals based on least privilege necessary to perform job responsibilities. User IDs and passwords must not be shared, posted, or otherwise divulged in any manner. Develop strong passwords that are not easily guessable, contain a minimum of eight alphabetic and numeric characters for standard user accounts and for interactive sessions, ensure that passwords/passwords are changed every 90 days.

Individual user access to careerandtalenthub.com services:

The individual user’s email address is their User ID. Strong password protocol includes a minimum number of characters, upper and lower case letters, special characters and numerals.


Payment for services can be accomplished with your PayPal account through our link to this company. If you do not have a PayPal account, PayPal will process the transaction with a major credit card. Information you enter during the checkout process is not available to careerandtalenthub.com. Once the payment process is completed, credit card and PayPal information is deleted. You will have to re-enter payment information each time you utilize our services.


Pop-ups, banner notifications or other types of third party advertising will not appear when accessing your account
Users will not receive solicitations or spam email when you utilize our services.
careerandtalenthub.com will not sell or lease your email address or other contact information.

Website Security

careerandtalenthub.com is hosted on Microsoft Azure. Data and use of our services are protected by:
– Firewalls and anti-virus protection
– Constant vulnerability scanning to identify threats
– Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protection
– 24×7 intrusion detection, data backup and disaster recovery